Destin Florida Golf Cart Rentals

Destin Florida Golf Cart Rentals
Destin Carts

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Why rent with DestinCarts?

You might be wondering why is DestinCarts so special? Whey rent our golf cart for the week from them? Well I am here to give you a more personal side to our Carts..

DestinCarts is a business that lives to make your stay in Destin that much better. What some people may not know is that these golf carts don't just have to be used to occupy the kids for a few hours by giving them endless rides up and down the strip while mom makes dinner. Take them out!! Use them to go out to dinner! Want to go to the movie theater in Destin Commons? TAKE THE GOLF CART! By using these fun 6 person golf carts, the whole crew is able to add a little spice to their vacation. Renting from DestinCarts gives your week stay in Destin some personality. We all know that when lunch time rolls around and everyone is on the beach, the last thing that everyone wants to do is shower off and get in the car when you still have your whole day ahead of you. So now, you don't have too! Leave on your bathing suit, throw your cover clothes on, and take your Destin Cart to Pompono Joe's, The Crab Trap, Uncle Buck's Fish Bowl, and many more possibilities. These golf cart's are YOURS for the week, so use them!! These golf carts will not only make your travel in Destin a bit easier, but a lot more fun!

I'm Tayler Godar, a 21 year old college student and my family and I have been visiting Destin once sometimes twice a year ever since I was born. My family and I think of Destin as our second home, and I'm not just saying that. Our experience with Destin has been nothing but positive, and now with DestinCarts, things just got better.

So what I'm really here to say is, if you're ever in Destin and you're dying to experience these wonderful inventions, checkout and rent your favorite golf cart!!